Friday, June 19, 2020

Episode 12: Zombieball

It's not been the busiest few months, admittedly, but here are some highlights...

Sam checks in with his classmates on Zoom, Napoleon in tow.
An impromptu fruit stall in our neighbourhood, visited by
a patrolling soldier.
After. Bless you, Amanda.
Birthday fort!
Clippin'. This is the makeshift barbershop set up in our back garden, as referenced
in the podcast.
With a friend's help, I (Craig) was able to get out for an overnight to one of our
favourite haunts here, Regugio Los Volcanes. 

Prayer Points
  • Give thanks for the strength we've received to get through these past three months...and pray for plenty more where that came from!
  • Give thanks that Sam's school year came to a really positive end.
  • Give thanks for the support we are receiving here from our mission and various friends in our community.
  • Pray for beneficial sessions with our counsellors in Scotland.
  • Pray for contentment and for an acceptance of God's timing.
  • Pray for God's healing hand upon Amanda in particular.
¡Que Dios les bendiga!

Craig, Amanda & Sam