Saturday, December 21, 2019

Episode 7: From Tollcross to Trinidad

So what's happened in the last month?

Our house got some added sparkle.

Napoleon got a cuddle.

And his portrait chalked by a master artist.
Santa Cruz got imports.

And decked (though not in the west of Scotland sense).
Mummy got a haircut.

Daddy got a round in.
Samta Claus made an appearance.

The Langham escuelitas brought the curtain down.

  • Pray for lots of energy and patience as the year ends with various special events.
  • Pray for Craig as he takes his first Christmas at Trinity International Church.
  • Pray for a really special few weeks at home with Sam over his school holidays.
  • Give thanks for God's goodness to us in this past year. It has most certainly been a case of 'right place, right time'.
¡Feliz navidad y próspero año nuevo!

Craig, Amanda & Sam